Yuni Shara and Raffi Achmad tell in the series has been married three days ago. Are they married after returning from Raffi Umroh worship?
"That's not true at all. And that's also just gossip. I even want to ask, from where you can have news?" Yuni argue with the startled expression of the face.
Krisdayanti older brother says, Raffi Umroh go is to worship and not because of other things.
Polecat in the way that the dress style of the young, Yuni confess the only style that boy friend younger age.
"At the beginning of my marriage with a bang Hendri older, so I adjust it. Now it is already out, so I follow it," he said on the sidelines of the event Playlist Penta Studio in Kebon Jeruk, tuesday (7/14/2009) .
Yuni come together with her sister Krisdayanti. He appears in a black shirt and jeans shorts, with a little style stylist
"That's not true at all. And that's also just gossip. I even want to ask, from where you can have news?" Yuni argue with the startled expression of the face.
Krisdayanti older brother says, Raffi Umroh go is to worship and not because of other things.
Polecat in the way that the dress style of the young, Yuni confess the only style that boy friend younger age.
"At the beginning of my marriage with a bang Hendri older, so I adjust it. Now it is already out, so I follow it," he said on the sidelines of the event Playlist Penta Studio in Kebon Jeruk, tuesday (7/14/2009) .
Yuni come together with her sister Krisdayanti. He appears in a black shirt and jeans shorts, with a little style stylist