Akma n Sheena

Evonne Liang
Female, 23, Single
Interested In: Friends
Member Since: Jan 2007
Location: Malaysia
Hometown: SoMeWheRe BeTWeeN HeAVeN N HeLL
Last Login: 24 hours
Evonne Liang's URL:
"Theres nth sadder in this life than to watch da distance between ur two bodies expand until theres nth left but empty..."

Evonne Liang
Female, 23, Single
Interested In: Friends
Member Since: Jan 2007
Location: Malaysia
Hometown: SoMeWheRe BeTWeeN HeAVeN N HeLL
Last Login: 24 hours
Evonne Liang's URL:
"Theres nth sadder in this life than to watch da distance between ur two bodies expand until theres nth left but empty..."