When your fans sporting events "Sport Night 7" is 7 or broadcast Trans infotainment "news Kabari" in RCTI, of beautiful face as HESTY Purwadinata host two events on television is not foreign anymore. Presenter ayu birth Bogor, 15 June 1983 is now entering series presenter in a myriad of activities with the famous stage.
Appearance daily Fajah Femina 2005 (Juara III) was always cheerful and modis. Tawanya complicated, but still awake. Intellect he said, working full-discipline, but kesehariannya always enjoy the events of his life.
"I want to enjoy life this is. Running in the correct path, must always be diligent and work hard, and discipline in all things, "said Syafruddin HESTY to Azhar's Parle when found in the office area of 8 Management Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta last week.
Take shelter under the management keartisan 8 Management, HESTY Purwadinata has berkiprah in the world of Showbiz and penetrated almost all activities keartisan. Starting his career out of modeling, the cover girl contest event, as a presenter and master of ceremonies (MC) off the water, FTV, sinetron, film stars to the big screen.
The first film that is dibintanginya ML (Mau ... More?). Film production Indika Entertainment (2008) because this gets delayed the delivery of public protests in several cities some time ago. Film is considered controversial because it lists the title that invites interpretation nasty.
"This film is my first wide screen. But unfortunately, peredarannya delayed because of community protests. In fact this film laden education that encourage young people to avoid sex-free. People with allergies may be the title that is not normal, "he explained to the Parle-spirited. In fact, according to HESTY, many national film a slightly seronok adegannya but mayarakat not memprotesnya.
In addition to the big screen film, alumnus Public Relation Interstudi and Information Engineering University Gunadarma Jakarta star has more than 10 film titles TV (FTV). Of which: 2 One packer smacker (RCTI, 2008), coloring the sky (Astro), and life in action RCTI.
Performance stage of the third child of seven brothers, daughter pair R. Hartasa Purwadinata and R. Yani Suryaningsih is always excited and cheerful. Moreover, to appear as if the MC in the water off some of the formal and entertaintment. HESTY able to build the atmosphere and live events to be so cheerful life colorful.
"I often said to friends as a presenter gikol (mad), ha ... ha ... ha ...," he said while laughing ticklish. Predicate is given as HESTY like a challenge and is known as an intrepid woman. Some time ago, he won the event full of challenges, Fear Factor Indonesia.
Appearance daily Fajah Femina 2005 (Juara III) was always cheerful and modis. Tawanya complicated, but still awake. Intellect he said, working full-discipline, but kesehariannya always enjoy the events of his life.
"I want to enjoy life this is. Running in the correct path, must always be diligent and work hard, and discipline in all things, "said Syafruddin HESTY to Azhar's Parle when found in the office area of 8 Management Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta last week.
Take shelter under the management keartisan 8 Management, HESTY Purwadinata has berkiprah in the world of Showbiz and penetrated almost all activities keartisan. Starting his career out of modeling, the cover girl contest event, as a presenter and master of ceremonies (MC) off the water, FTV, sinetron, film stars to the big screen.
The first film that is dibintanginya ML (Mau ... More?). Film production Indika Entertainment (2008) because this gets delayed the delivery of public protests in several cities some time ago. Film is considered controversial because it lists the title that invites interpretation nasty.
"This film is my first wide screen. But unfortunately, peredarannya delayed because of community protests. In fact this film laden education that encourage young people to avoid sex-free. People with allergies may be the title that is not normal, "he explained to the Parle-spirited. In fact, according to HESTY, many national film a slightly seronok adegannya but mayarakat not memprotesnya.
In addition to the big screen film, alumnus Public Relation Interstudi and Information Engineering University Gunadarma Jakarta star has more than 10 film titles TV (FTV). Of which: 2 One packer smacker (RCTI, 2008), coloring the sky (Astro), and life in action RCTI.
Performance stage of the third child of seven brothers, daughter pair R. Hartasa Purwadinata and R. Yani Suryaningsih is always excited and cheerful. Moreover, to appear as if the MC in the water off some of the formal and entertaintment. HESTY able to build the atmosphere and live events to be so cheerful life colorful.
"I often said to friends as a presenter gikol (mad), ha ... ha ... ha ...," he said while laughing ticklish. Predicate is given as HESTY like a challenge and is known as an intrepid woman. Some time ago, he won the event full of challenges, Fear Factor Indonesia.