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Prisa the first time studied the guitar because by chance. When still the JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Prisa lived in the barracks was afterwards mischievous maenin the guitar had his friend. Just because of dimarahin same that had the guitar, finally Prisa determined the revenge by going along ekskul the guitar. Finally Prisa and his friend went along ekskul barengan while the race who that eventually more the champion. In 2005 up to the middle of 2006 the Prisa name was enough to be known in scene underground with the band of his metal, Zala. This band was enough to seize attention of the reason for the contents of his personnel the girl all. But not merely sold the image, skill they also did not lose was the same bands of the guy. In 2006 could be counted as his gold year of Prisa where his career was good personally and the group was increasingly successful. Personally, he was chosen to the model for the first guitar gate in Indonesia, He also often was acknowledged as Miss because always became the representative in various event and the media.

Prisa : Ratu Gitar Indonesia Yang Baru