Marcella feminim see her at this time, surely we will not believe, if small time, she was the daughter of the tomboi. So, do not wonder if Marcella is stay calm when teenage girls excited seusianya register event-event model of the election held youth magazine. 'Not confident,' I is honest. However, the way women live 27 years this changed when a photographer menawarinya to become a magazine model.
Enthusiasts white color, beige and pink and then penetrated this world akting. In its first debut, he played with Dian Sastro in the film 'Due Stars'. Although this is the first role, Marcella does not claim to have trouble means. He was not shy about how to act with the berakting mama, pesinetron Tetty Liz Indriaty.
However, the new name really picked up when he didapuk to play in sinetron 'First Night'. Perhaps if this is a sinetron make it Dilirik by the producer for the film to play in the big screen. In fact, back in 2005, he was awarded as the best woman in the Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) in 2005 through the film 'Brownies'.
Enthusiasts white color, beige and pink and then penetrated this world akting. In its first debut, he played with Dian Sastro in the film 'Due Stars'. Although this is the first role, Marcella does not claim to have trouble means. He was not shy about how to act with the berakting mama, pesinetron Tetty Liz Indriaty.
However, the new name really picked up when he didapuk to play in sinetron 'First Night'. Perhaps if this is a sinetron make it Dilirik by the producer for the film to play in the big screen. In fact, back in 2005, he was awarded as the best woman in the Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) in 2005 through the film 'Brownies'.
And recently Marcella cases involved criminal indictment on the beating and torture of a person, career consequences nymph began overcast. India again lost my talented artists such as Marcella Zalianty. Hopefully, in the case of the natural end soon.